Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yes baby!

Amie must eat when she wakes from her nap. So I have baby food for her to eat a quick small meal at around 4. As I was feeding Amie, Abbie came into the kitchen.

Abbie: Mama...?

Me: Yes baby...?

Abbie: Can I try it?

Me: Sure! (I hold out a spoon of baby food)

Abbie: (Giggles and runs away)

Me: (Figures it looks gross)

Abbie: (Returns) Mama?

Me: Yes baby?

Abbie: Can I try feeding Amie with a spoon?


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

ROFL! I would have thought the same thing you did! hahaha tooooo funny!

Rebecca said...

Time to learn about antecedents, Abbie. . .