Saturday, May 02, 2009

Pay it Forward

While visiting Back to Basic Living recently, I took Penny up on an offer to participate in a bloggers Pay it Forward. In these difficult and somewhat scary times, I think Paying it Forward is a great way to possibly brighten someone’s day. So I agreed to participate. Penny sent me yummy smelling soap and lotion as well as a amazing home made brownie mix. No pictures available of the brownies I made from them... they were that good!

So here’s the deal - the first five people to comment on this blog post and say you would like to participate in this Pay it Forward will receive a gift in the mail from me. I will send each of you a Starbucks gift card. If you’d like to participate, please do not email me. I will mail your gift within one week of your comment. Feel free to comment regardless - but if you do want to participate, please be sure to state that in your comment.

There is a small catch. You must have a blog and you must agree to Pay it Forward by offering a gift to five people on your blog, who will agree to do the same on their blogs. This is, after all, what paying it forward is all about.

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